Nord Coding - we create digital products

7 Years
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what we do

online marketing
ad campaigns
wordpress + maintenance
android / ios apps
Front End / Back End / E-Commerce / CMS
NC design and develop high quality and fully responsive web pages. Focusing on user experience, performance and accessibility, helping your product stay ahead of the curve.
Social Media / SEO / ASO / Copywriting / Visual Content
Drive traffic, boost conversions and make your brand essential to your customers. Stand out from your competitors and engage with your audience building solid relationships over the most available digital channels.
UI & UX / Web Design / Logo Design
NC design the visual representation of your product or service, with an unique brand experience that will bring you and your customers closer than ever.
PPC Campaigns / Paid Social / RTB / Display
Create and manage your ads by targetting your audience and implementing paid tactics to gain visibility in SERPs. We attract traffic to your website with a significant impact on your ROI.
Wordpress / Blog / Maintenance / Hosting / Optimization
Develop custom WP Themes that help you stand out from your competitors through the fully customized blog, e-shop, personal or corporate website. Monitor, optimize your website and receive instant alerts, should it go down.
Shopify / Prestashop / Magento / WooCommerce
Every experience counts when it comes to online sales. We make sure your platform can scale along your customer base, and the purchasing experience is flawless.
Data analytics / Data visualization / Data Science
Optimize your ad campaigns using the latest machine learning approaches, increasing your marketing ROI. Study, analyze and segment data in search of best insights for business solutions.
Android / Ios Apps
We believe Progressive Web Apps are the fastest way to reach your users and shorten delivery cycles in most cases, but we also favor native mobile experiences when it makes sense.

what we do

Front End / Back End / E-Commerce / CMS
NC design and develop high quality and fully responsive web pages. Focusing on user experience, performance and accessibility, helping your product stay ahead of the curve.
Social Media / SEO / ASO / Copywriting / Visual Content
Drive traffic, boost conversions and make your brand essential to your customers. Stand out from your competitors and engage with your audience building solid relationships over the most available digital channels.
UI & UX / Web Design / Logo Design
NC design the visual representation of your product or service, with an unique brand experience that will bring you and your customers closer than ever.
PPC Campaigns / Paid Social / RTB / Display
Create and manage your ads by targetting your audience and implementing paid tactics to gain visibility in SERPs. We attract traffic to your website with a significant impact on your ROI.
Wordpress / Blog / Maintenance / Hosting
Develop custom WP Themes that help you stand out from your competitors through the fully customized blog, e-shop, personal or corporate website.
Shopify / Prestashop / Magento / WooCommerce
Every experience counts when it comes to online sales. We make sure your platform can scale along your customer base, and the purchasing experience is flawless.
Data analytics / Data visualization / Data Science
Optimize your ad campaigns using the latest machine learning approaches, increasing your marketing ROI. Study, analyze and segment data in search of best insights for business solutions.
Android / Ios Apps
We believe Progressive Web Apps are the fastest way to reach your users and shorten delivery cycles in most cases, but we also favor native mobile experiences when it makes sense.


Here are the technologies we use:

our projects

web development
app development
We Are Testers
online marketing
amc networks portugal
quintessential group
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